What time can I check in?
At most Bastion Hotels it is possible to check in from 14:00 hrs.
Please note that there are some exceptions to this check-in time. At the following hotels it is possible to check in from 15:00 onwards:
- Bastion Hotel Amsterdam Noord
- Bastion Hotel Amsterdam Zuidwest
- Bastion Hotel Amsterdam Amstel
- Bastion Hotel Amsterdam Airport
- Bastion Hotel Maastricht
- Bastion Hotel Tilburg*
- Bastion Hotel Utrecht
* At our hotel in Tilburg you can check in during the week (Mon-Fri) from 14:00h and during the weekend (Sun-Sun) from 15:00h.
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Bastion Hotels is more than willing to help you with booking a hotel room. Do you need help? Please call or email our customer service.
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+31 (0)30 267 16 16
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Openinghours customer service
Monday – Friday: 08:00 until 17:30
Weekend? Use our contact form.